Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gem of Love, Marriage, Romance - Kunzite

Kunzite is a beautiful pink stone, which was named after its discoverer, George Frederick Kunz. It was discovered in Connecticut, USA in 1901 and is currently operating in Brazil, Canada, CIS, Mexico and Sweden. This stone is part of the spodumene family and the youngest of all the gemstones in this family. An important feature of Kunzite is that it has the property of pleochroism which means that for different angles show different colors. Is not it amazing. Kunzite is also a stone because of its feminine pink with shades of purple in it. Quality and size of stones defines its value, price and use. Most show purple, pink and green or yellow and bright. It is hard rock and so perfect for jewelry. It is better to buy loose stones, because in this case, you can identify the real gem, shape, style, color and size more accurately.

Then you select the type stone tiffany wholesale item you have selected.

How Kunzite is about love, marriage and romance?

Kunzite awakens the heart center that leads to love the emotions, thoughts and communication. So the rose is the symbol of love and romance. Therefore, it is the best gift to give in marriage and show your love. If you have suffered a broken heart, then Kunzite take you out of depression and pain. Apart from this semi Kunzite gemstone is also presented to the tranquility and good luck.

Kunzite Stone Care

Kunzite is a very delicate stone, which is strongly influenced by the strong light or heat. Both the color may disappear. So do not wear this stone if you want a warm weather for a longer period. So it's a very fragile stone if deliver very carefully.

Kunzite Healing

It minimizes the variations in depression and mood. So, it is used in medical treatment of mental disorders. It helps you take the pressure of everyday life. Kunzite is a very powerful stone, used against negative energies. It's good for the nerves and muscles. Tense muscles can be alleviated with stones Kunzite. Relieves any tension or trauma in childhood. If you want to drink water regularly Kunzite and there will be a balanced production of blood cells and the bloodstream. Pink Kunzite also stops the narrowing of arteries in the blood.

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