Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shoes Should Be A Lot Of Scientific And Technological Elements To Create A Model

Shoes Should Be A Lot Of Scientific And Technological Elements To Create A Model Of Intelligent
The amount of money as much as 700 million U.S. dollars for leather, shoes anti-dumping EU has recently launched a "sunset review". After the Ministry of Commerce of Wenzhou, in Zhejiang, at 8, the EU anti-dumping duty on Chinese shoes "sunset review" to intervene after the briefing, then in Zhongshan, Guangdong shoe called the meeting would be held Nine West Footwear flats in Quanzhou , Fujian, mobilization meeting asked the three shoe factories in low shoes to go to respond actively to try to remove anti-dumping duties on 16.5% or so Chinese companies must pay taxes shoes 12-15 months. But in 1912, Zhongshan still no shoes EU prices "sunset review" to leave the protest

Statistics show that the EU will replace the U.S. in the first half of this year jumped footwear export Zhongshan second largest trading partner, while the structure of exports of footwear, the share of footwear exports in Zhongshan EU is far below the United States and Hong Kong. This situation occurs and the EU to impose anti-dumping duties on Chinese Nine West pumps are not unimportant, but more with a lot of shoes to give up a good relationship with the EU market. Banfu Town, Zhongshan, the head of a shoe or even said that the Order to the EU market relatively small in the United States, even if it is to continue to extend anti-dumping duties on the impact of businesses do is not large, there is no reason to prepare documents for a small event.

However, the single market is based largely on the U.S. from this year was Zhongshan shoes, dealt a blow. With the worsening crisis in U.S. subprime mortgages, many companies in the Nine West sandals United States, Zhongshan orders down, with some companies, even compared to last year dropped by nearly sixty percent.

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